Conduct consultations with stakeholders, including women and ethnic groups, to determine factors contributing to climate change vulnerability of highland agriculture by Q2 2021.
Collect and analyze existing baseline data (sex-disaggregated) and identify capacity needs and gaps through literature, surveys, and interviews on vulnerability in different agriculture subsectors by Q4 2021)
Conduct workshops to strengthen the capacity of local government staff, including women, to collect data and assess climate change vulnerability by Q1 2022.
Assess impacts of climate change under current and future climate scenarios by Q1 2022.
Develop knowledge products, including a guidance manual, on assessing climate change vulnerability in highlands by Q2 2022
Prepare an inventory of gender- and COVID-19-responsive CSA practices for highlands and conduct a multi-criteria assessment with local stakeholders including farmers, civil society organizations, women, the private sector, and government staff to prioritize appropriate CSA practices by Q2 2021
Conduct a cost–benefit analysis of at least three priority CSA practices by Q3 2021.
Demonstrate at least two most appropriate gender- and COVID-19-responsive CSA practices in the target area by Q1 2023.
Identify private sector companies promoting CSA practices (e.g., seed, fertilizer, irrigation, and machinery providers) that may benefit from ADB non-sovereign assistance and prepare a road map for inclusive climate-friendly agribusiness investment project for Nan Province by Q3 2023.
Prepare knowledge products on CSA demonstration process and most appropriate CSA practices for highlands by Q3 2023.
Assess capacity needs and gaps and identify priority products for quality and safety improvement and value addition (e.g., processing, packaging, and branding) by the private sector by Q1 2022.
Conduct workshops to build capacity of local communities, including women, on grower certification schemes (e.g., participatory guarantee system), organic farming, and good agricultural practices by Q4 2022.
Train local communities and youth on opportunities for quality and safety improvement and value addition, and identify private firms improving the quality of agricultural products (through value added processing, packaging, branding, and marketing) that may benefit from ADB non-sovereign assistance by Q4 2022.
Demonstrate application of digital technologies for traceability in linking good-quality products from highlands with domestic and international markets by Q2 2023.
Prepare knowledge products on grower certification schemes, quality and safety enhancement, and value addition by Q3 2023.
Organize awareness-raising seminars for farmers, women’s groups, youth, NGOs, and the private sector on CSA and alternate livelihood options for resilience by Q2 2022.
Train local government staff on integrating climate concerns in local development plans and application of technologies (e.g., remote sensing, geographic information systems, and mobile phone-based applications) to improve resilience of communities and ecosystems by Q4 2022.
Conduct field visits to the demonstration sites by Q2 2023.
Prepare knowledge products on CSA demonstrations and alternate livelihood options for adaptation to climate change in highlands by Q3 2023.
Organize an international workshop on CSA to share best practices from the TA by Q3 2023.